Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Here is what I get out of coming to grips with the MMM. I find it
very important to know the limitations of my own mortality. The
natural man is indeed an enemy to God - and I find much worth in
understanding and dealing with the evil acts that mortal people let
themselves commit when sufficiently pushed. Because I am a mortal
person too.

I do not wish to distance myself from those who murdered unarmed
women and children at MMM. I wish to embrace their actions, and
deal with them as something I, as a fellow fallible human, am also
capable of committing.

I see the atrocities of Nazi Germany in the same light. I cannot
say "it'll never happen here in America". I must acknowledge that
it happened on a national scale. I often think, if the Germans saw
upfront see the evils of the Holocaust, they would shrink away and
reject Hitler upfront.

A vast capability for evil acts are inherent in all of us. If we do
not learn from the past about how evil is brought to pass, we do an
injustice to it's past victims, and we put ourselves and our
children at risk of falling again.

Put bluntly, I must acknowledge that is possible, given the right
blend of situation, pressure, political climate, and fear, to lead
an otherwise good mormon man to purposely point a rifle at a 10 yr
old girl and pull the trigger. I am a coward if I refuse to grapple
with this truth, and what it means for me as a fellow fallible,
fallen man.

- The Loudmouth Mormon

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